Monday, February 6, 2017

follow up marriage issue

   Basing a marriage solely on your love for "god" and another person is like setting a trap in which it is "morally" wrong to escape. To say a pagan marriage is selfish is to say our choice means nothing when the standing for all Christian belief is that God gave free will to man, to make their own choices, to love whom they want to love, to do as they please but know the consequences. 

  It was discussed that for pagan individuals; marriage is merely the next social step on the ladder of life but this is less true than that of a Christian. "As Christians, we don’t use statistics to determine our morality, but you would expect that doing the right thing would demonstrate itself in some form of success ( Scott Turansky)." Success being that god will see that they have suffered through a marriage and done the right thing by him, for him, with him. It sounds like some kind of widespread state farm commercial to dignify that the Christian way is the right way, the only way. To get married because "It is the Christian thing to do." But other than it being the Christian thing to do where are your intentions, what are your motives, what is your plan!

   Culture is mainly a concept created by the imagination of man followed by tradition, ceremony,etc....  The Christian culture does not approach marriage in a way that would seem generally accepted but because it is so widely known this idea has been given many lights that have the possibility of being the cause of a number of divorces. By following the rules of basically a glorified book club, in which little to known have direct experience with the love they talk so highly of.

  My dad once told me that marriage is meant for childbearing, nothing more. To procreate and dominate, the Christian way. I use dominate loosely as a more intense word for convert/spread word of this god. 

  Say that you are in a Christian marriage and you have had a child or children and one is not exactly the cookie cutter Jesus you were hoping. Does this mean your due diligence was not done? You have only made it to Samaria but not the ends of the Earth. Is your marriage all for nothing? In the end, that is for you to decide but basing it on a love that a god who may or may not exist without having directly experienced this 'so-called love' makes little sense. 

  In a pagan relationship, marriage is a choice, we have the will to marry or be married rather than making in another step in the seven sacraments.
Image result for seven sacraments

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