Friday, February 10, 2017

An eye for an eye, a debt for a debt

  Alexander Hamilton was the most influential and controversial man in history and those were his best qualities; as told in "Villainous business." His ideas on how to rid this country's debt were unthought of and for most people unacceptable. He pulled ideas from developed nations in which we were feuding and sought to seek peace with them in order to establish foreign trade, talk about backward thinking. He created an incentive for the people, to unknowingly want to pay for the debt the revolution caused. To give credit and expect people to pay it back with interest, what a thought. In that day and age, Hamilton was almost laughable when it came to his ideas. Due to his new ideas, people began to think he was scheming against them through a funding system and they gossiped and bickered on his intentions but this did not stop him, he persevered. He also proposed luxury taxes on items like alcohol and tea and way later this would spread to things like feminine products which is totally sexist but you know, at least we can help the debt this way. Hamilton also established a start to our taxes and refunds. Washington and Hamilton shared similar ideas on how they wanted to build our country, to get all states into one nation; check, to pay off the debt in a timely manor; check (well the revolutions debt), create a navy and army; check, and harmony among its people; mostly check. Hamilton set the stage (not just in the play) for all of these issues in his 'villainous business.
Image result for alexander hamilton quotes

  While reading this passage, a strange character came to mind, his catch phrase, "better than I deserve" rang in my ears. Dave Ramsey; the master debt defeater. I could not help to think what if he was in 
Image result for dave ramsey quotes entreleadershipHamilton's place? The short answer would be this country would go to hell because he is woefully unqualified. Ramsey's ideas on how to rid debt now but at the time our nation did not have a steady income to back itself so his 'baby steps' would collapse on themselves. And I know that is Dave Ramsey were around in Hamilton's day, he would be one of the many to reject his ideas........mostly the ones about credit. In Ramsey's book, credit is the equivalent to the devil. 

  Alexander Hamilton had an extraordinary way of thinking and innovating thought process which needs to be reintroduced today. He attacked debt by creating debt among small things that would eventually pay for themselves later and profit the national fund. He approached things differently without thought of disapproval. He had a great support system, as well as many who disagreed but that never stopped him. He worked for the good of the country as a whole and for her people and without his ideals, we would not be as established, we would not be properly informed about money or have a banking system, and we would not be where we stand today. Thank you, Alexander Hamilton.

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