Saturday, February 25, 2017

A cure for wellness

   Cancer is one of the many leading causes of death around the world and the number one leading cause for children in the United States. This disease is heavily funded and most times the topic of terminal illness. Cancer has been normalized to the point we are blinded by how it is actually beneficial. Beneficial? of course, it is. Why terminate an illness that makes people wealthy?

   In 2012, cancer made 124.6 billion dollars and in 2014, 895 billion dollars a year, only spending 1.8 billion in prevention costs. They are really making bank on the deaths of millions. The cost for a well-known cancer research organization to run tests is $22,874,676 a year given through donations and outside funding. A small portion of what cancer earns and there is no definite proof that this money goes directly towards the cause of cancer research. "National audit office report indicated that we do not know enough about how the money is spent and whether it is spent wisely and for the benefits of patients," meaning that is "research" could ultimately be for nothing. This research consists of studying the dieting patterns of healthy people and people with cancer and comparing the substances within the food to trace it back to cancer. Then doing tests on healthy people with this information, having them eat the cancer-prone food and the cancer prevention food. Each group not knowing what they are given. Each section of research is consequently disclosed with something along the lines of "the accuracy of this experiment does not directly help to find a cure," not at all reassuring. 

    All they are actually certain of is that if you eat your veggies, you have a possibility of not getting cancer...a possibility. When the goal for curing cancer was actually for the benefit of patients rather than a face for increasing income from "treatments," they were shut down and shut up. "A great deal of research is covered up, potential cures are ignored because there is far more money in perpetuating illness than curing it."
                                                  Related image -mic drop

    It is ironic that the movie "A Cure for Wellness" came out while I write this because just like cancer research it is only benefiting the person, not at risk and leaving the patients in a loop of cancer "cures" while they go broke. 

      My grandma was one for being cured of cancer multiple times but never long enough for it to make a difference. Her cancer had a huge effect on my grandparent's financial situation. They went from living in a house that was oversized and for the time being, comfortable to a trailer park in the scary part of Olivehurst. But it was all for nothing. As the money paid for cancer, my grandma progressively got worse. Before she got cancer, she was always health conscience. She ate mainly fruit, vegetables, and fish all of these big on the list of cancer prevention foods. So, to me the research does not add up, nor is it effective or worth the millions that could be used in actually using possible cures which have been put off. And as March comes around, I remember her and how if people were not so focused on how much money they make and more on the lives of millions, she might still be here. 

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