Friday, August 26, 2016

“Middle ground is disappearing on the question of whether LGBT persons should be treated as full equals”

    David Gushee, the author of the article “On LGBT equality, middle ground is disappearing” addresses the Christian issue on whether the middle ground between the LGBT community and believers of Christ can exist, he does this in a very pessimistic tone as if this cannot be solved. There is a middle ground between LGBT and the Christian community, it is that “48 percent of LGBT Americans are Christian”, says Pew Research Center in The Washington Examiner. This is almost 50 %, a substantial amount that would not exist without some sort of general acceptance . Many churches have made it possible for both parties to coexist together in a nondiscriminatory manner.   
    Gushee talks about how there is an acceptance of LGBT that is becoming rapidly “intolerant” saying “Institutions where full LGBT equality is mandatory now include any entity associated with the federal government, including the military and the civil service”. In this quote, mandatory is emphasized as if worldwide acceptance is a bad thing. I believe that Gushee is doing the Christian community a wrong making it seem as the “Christian way” is the new “Aryan”, although I doubt Christians want to be portrayed in such a way that is so looked down upon. 
    Gushee states, “ federal regulation any kind of discrimination against gay people will have the same legal rights and social acceptance as any kind of racial discrimination. Which is, none”, when talking about the future election and presidential candidates. To describe it the way he did, saying it would be like racial discrimination rights then he is incorrect, when looking at the discrimination laws @ , nowhere does it state sexual orientation but it does repeat race in every law stated. So, to say that there are no racial discrimination laws is false but to say that with the new presidency there will be laws to protect LBGT against discrimination is not only correct but just, in giving people basic rights they deserve, not limited to unjust treatment because of judgment made by ignorant persons.

    The only thing Gushee says that stands true are thus; ”Those who believe LGBT equality marks decadence are being left behind” because, like the fight for racial justice, LGBT stands strong in the fight for their human rights.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Into perspective

Abortion is an issue that needs to be addressed, but not in a way that makes the woman essentially the “villain” in the situation. Yes, killing an unborn child is not something to boast about like some do but if the circumstance is not looked into an unnecessary amount of guilt is pushed on to a woman, one does not know.
   Women are giving the gift of reproductive organs and have the ability to give birth but this ability should not be used unless consented by said woman; what I mean is if this woman is to be raped. This not only brings the guilt of a choice to rid of the child but the burden of memories that can cause further damage to both the woman and the child (if the child is born). Post-traumatic stress disorder is a real issue to women who have been in these situations and having a constant reminder of what occurred along with the memories makes these women slave to their pasts and to the responsibilities that is not willingly given.

   We do not know what a woman and her family are going through when something like rape occurs,/ unless we are there to experience it along side them, so I am going to put it into perspective.

   Imagine you are a mother or father to a daughter, she is 17 years old and you are extremely proud of her. She has her future set, is accepted to an ivy league college, has her license and a car; she is a phenomenal driver by the way, one of her many accomplishments. She is captain of the volleyball team; everything is going perfectly. You are more proud of her than you have ever been and did not believe anything could get in her way. Then one night she comes home balling her eyes out and hugging you. You ask what is wrong, and she answers…”I was raped”. You feel this empty feeling inside you, and so you squeeze your baby girl promising never to let anything harm her and you will take care of it. She is pregnant now. College is starting soon, and graduation is just around the corner. “I am not ready to be a mother, I did not plan this”, she cries. As a parent you have to analyze what is the best option for your child; are you going to make her put her life on hold her something that was out of their control or is you going to help them have a future and be a mother when it is the right time?

 I know I will not change minds on the issue because it is strongly detested, but I believe women should not be a slave to their pasts and have to face consequences for something that is ultimately their choice. I am not pro-abortion, but I do respect the decisions of the women whose reasoning is pure.
Based off of the article,  Abortion as a Positive Good: How the Abortion Movement Echoes Radical Slavery Rhetoric.